So, my Wishlist, I have a realistic wishlist and a dream wishlist which included the mulberry bayswater, chanel and hermes birkin, Charlotte of Olympia shoes - to be honest it would be endless. My realistic wishlist (well it could go on forever because I always want more) is:
<3 This "Who the fuck is Chanel" Tee - i love it, paired with a chanel handbag - Pure Genius!
<3 This "My Boyfriend is a Vampire" Tee - from Wildfox @ Asos. As a Twiligh fan and a member of Team Edward, this is a MUST!
<3 This faux fur hairband - i love love love fur, so this is perfect for keeping my ears warm.
<3 Some black treggings (preferrably segmented: so one part a slighlty different material or something, like jodpur stylee)
<3 Some v. high black wedged boots or heels
<3 A blackberry; I had the Nokia N97 which was appalling! So have sent it off and am waiting for the money to buy a Blackberry.
<3 Gold matte nailvarnish.
<3 Lots of unique and different jewellery.
<3 Some Charms for my new Pandora bracelet.
<3 Some shiny/wet look leggings.
<3 Nude Heels.
I'm sure there is probably lots more!!!
What is on your wishlist?
Bea x